
Handwrite 3

  1. Support for Dell Venue 5050 (active stylus)
  2. Bugfix: Delete points
  3. Google Cloud support
  4. User interface improvements
  5. PDF improvements / new PDF engine
  6. Lock to raster
  7. New Logo: (White inside?) [X]
  8. Improve tagging, show tags in overview
  9. Eraser improvements
    • Faster
    • Delete single points
    • Clone: !
  10. Copy documents [X]
  11. Feature: Copy & paste works in all layers and documents
  12. Bugfix: Avoid creation of multiple backups on low memory

Handwrite 2.6

  1. Feature: Copy & paste works in all layers and documents
  2. Bugfix: Avoid creation of multiple backups on low memory
  3. Proposal: Export all pages to SVG (Zip with multiple SVGs)
  4. Proposal: Cloud storage (Google Drive, ...)
  5. Proposal: Cropping of imported images
  6. Proposal: More text settings, e.g. style (italic, bold), font (serif, sans serif...)

Handwrite 2.5


  1. "Jump to page" dialog after tapping on page number [X]
  2. Storage Access Framework since Android 4.4: [X]
  3. React on low memory and create backup of current document [X]
  4. Proposal: Delete all for current page / document [X]

Handwrite 2.4


  1. Proposal: Show numerical sizes for width / textsize chooser [X]
  2. Proposal: Change color of selection [X]
  3. Proposal: Keep text tool active after placing text [X]


  1. Crash for camera / gallery import in Android 4.1 [X]
  2. "Show all" Button did not work on small devices

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